Friday, 30 December 2016

My Love Status

There is the thunderbolt, brutal, without appeal, which does not entail any procrastination. It is my crazy love at first glance, even if this runaway, like the fire of straw, lasts sometimes only a short time. And then there is the nascent my love status which takes its time to reveal itself. Not necessarily less promising, but more ambiguous in its manifestations. It is he of whom we speak when we whisper in the ear of a friend: "You know, I think I love him ..."

This uncertainty, far from invalidating the force of feeling, reflects a battle in the process of indulging in us. The psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Catherine Bensaid . Hence these three steps forward, a step back, waltz-hesitation that often marks a keen interest! Decrypting the signs of this nascent and still stammering love.

Pink cheeks
Often, in love, it is the body that speaks first, even if we strive to ignore the signs it sends. "Anxiety causes a rush of adrenaline, which causes a rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, says the doctor and sexologist Ghislaine Paris . But at the same time, the feeling of my love status releases dopamine, serotonin and endorphins, as opposed to adrenaline. These hormones of love will result in dilated blood vessels, which gives pink cheeks and, lesser known, color the neck. These marblings attract the eye. Now, the neck is an area of ​​fragility par excellence in humans. In a very archaic way, when we fall in love with someone, we present to the other this area, overturning the head, proof of abandonment and confidence. "

The voice also changes: "Women tend to raise their tone, adopt a sharper voice, while men take a more raucous voice, in order to my love status seduce each other," continues the specialist. In case of doubt, let us be sure that "the body has its reasons that reason ignores," to paraphrase Blaise Pascal.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

free resume portfolio templates

How to make a curriculum: here you will find different examples of free resume portfolio templates in which you can write and write about them . Remember that no one knows better than you that you should highlight strengths and how to make your Curriculum Vitae models. The WORD CV template to use will depend on training, professional experience and type of offer:

Additionally you can download online and create a CV with your training and / or experienceusing these model formats free resume templates WORD: 

The curriculum is not only a document your academic, professional and personal data, but the passport for your professional future are summarized. That is why we want to help it perform as simply and quickly as possible, but also an accurate and straightforward way to help you in the workplace. In addition, it is often not possible to deliver the curriculum in person and then it becomes necessary to accompany a free resume portfolio templates. Here we will help you develop both the easiest way for you.

 Skills. In this part it is time to speak of acquired knowledge that will allow you to perform the work, skills that set you apart from other candidates, the parcel you master and qualities that complete your profile to make it a potential candidate.

To give you a clearer idea of ​​how to structure your Curriculum share with you a basic document that illustrates the basic components of the document. Remember that the ideal is that curriculum is tailored to the needs of each person, so that you personally assess aspects you want to emphasize to be functional for you.

A good resume is the first thing we need to start a job search, but do not always know how to structure it. We invite you to follow these tips and you spend the time necessary to free resume portfolio templates development.