Monday, 21 September 2020

How to promote a product?


Are you thinking about how to promote a product? In such a saturated market it is difficult to get it if you do not know-how. That is why you have to use all the tools you have at your disposal. Thinking about how to promote a product has many similarities with the actions that you could take in a physical store. However, it has certain peculiarities that make it necessary to adopt some strategies. That's why I present you with 12 ideas so that you know how to promote a product easily.

If you still do not have a blog associated with your store, you are missing a great opportunity. Content marketing is king on the Internet and blogging is the best way to dominate this space.

By creating quality (and free) content you are creating a brand and reputation on the internet. Blogs also allow you to have material to share on social networks and rank you better in search engines. An easy way to start a blog is by thinking about your customers and the questions they usually have about your products. You can contact triangledart for produit promotionnel

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Operation of the distribution of engines.

We could also call it "synchronization" instead of "distribution" because it synchronizes the movement of the crankshaft to that of the camshaft (but also the injection pump when there is one). As I know that many dmods of you have very short notions of an engine, I am giving you a diagram that will allow your brain to clarify things, because in the end there is nothing to rocket science.

We can therefore also say that it distributes the rhythm to different elements of the engine.

Here is an engine that highlights the elements that interest us. This is a timing chain (in blue) which is not to be confused with the accessory belt that I have put in green.

The chain is connected to the camshaft (orange) and the crankshaft (red) . The camshaft moves the valves (yellow) and the crankshaft drives the connecting rods/pistons (which I left in gray). You will notice here that this is an engine with two camshafts even if there is only one that is visible (the other has disappeared because it prevented seeing the interior of the engine, this is indeed a cutout). In the engine, you could almost say that there are two distributions! Indeed, there is the one we have been talking about from the start, which synchronizes vital engine elements.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing, also known as online marketing agentur is the set of activities that a company (or person) executes online with the aim of attracting new business, creating relationships and developing a brand identity. Among its strategies are SEO, Inbound Marketing and Content Marketing.

The concept of Digital Marketing may seem very clear, but at the same time, it is very subjective.

How to understand an issue that covers so much? Does any action on the Internet of my company characterize Digital Marketing? What are the best strategies? How to extract the maximum potential from these actions?

There is no doubt about the usefulness and growth of digital marketing in the coming years, and many people already know it.

And you? Are you ready to know this whole universe?

If your answer is "Yes", we create this complete content so that you understand exactly what Digital Marketing is, its main benefits, the strategies used and how your company can take advantage of it.

In this article you will learn:

Definition of Digital Marketing or Online Marketing;

Main concepts of Digital Marketing

Benefits of Online Marketing;

Digital Marketing Strategies that you can implement;

Steps to put together a Digital Marketing plan;

Online Marketing Tools for your company 

Digital Marketing Courses You Can Explore

Definition of Digital Marketing or Online Marketing

Digital Marketing or Online Marketing is the set of strategies aimed at the electronic communication and marketing of products and services.

It is one of the main ways available for companies to communicate with the public in a direct, personalized way and at the right time.