Through learning process, they highlight strategies for achieving the wise use of these technologies as resources to boost the educational process because, by being immersed in the era of information and communication , is a high priority for students to learn these technologies. It is intended that they have the opportunity to operate the
most of computer college during their training, always with the guidance of teachers , who must contemplate in their planning .
Videos are treated also as a teaching tool for their ability to bring information to the acquisition visually and audibly of knowledge . Both the computer and the video are explained by constructivism , theory of education based on the acquisition of significant learning.
The theoretical basis of the study encourages the incorporation of these two media as affordable in most technological resources institutions educational country.
The present age could be characterized as the historical period that have experienced the most dramatic changes at all levels who ever lived humanity. Of these, the most radical have arisen in the field of technology , where there has been a transformation that is changing lifestyles, both economic, educational and communicational.
The technology, which is a consequence of the advancement of knowledge of man , has greatly impacted the education , dramatically improving the ways in which it acquires the information, to the point where the emergence of new forms of ownership, construction , access and management of that information and knowledge through resources such as
most of computer college, television , video, modems, printers , among others.
All these events result in a new model of society , where technology occupies an important position, in which the information is, as never before available to everyone, confirming the information society. Now, as education is one of the revolutionary elements conceived as a project closely linked to the idea of individual and collective emancipation, therefore priority in this context, it must be the citizen for adaptability to change continuously due to that contemporary life is characterized by constant innovation technology that shifts routines.
Noting this reality, it is of particular importance in the early years of this new millennium the analysis of the multiple facets of the binomial education and new technologies of information and communication , especially those of greater growth as
most of computer college and videos, oriented his employment . Hence promote the use thereof, as essentially educational technology resources for educational purposes is the intent of this research monograph. It seeks, through the use of these resources that teachers become mediators of education, with characteristics and qualities directed towards constructivism to learning significant than those of a teacher standard that is based on simple resource exposure and memorization.
It is important to emphasize that the aim of this work is not only that teachers learn how to use PCs, but encourage the use of
most of computer college and video in the teaching process - learning to incorporate these two elements as a resource innovative in the programs of class . From this perspective, the issue of computer and video as a proposal, addressed support in the process of information gathering, organization , critical analysis, interpretation and synthesis of references, among other inputs pertaining to the subject.
The research is structured as follows: Chapter I contains New technologies in education, chapter II Professor in the new technological age. Chapter III deals with audiovisual technology in the teaching process - learning. Chapter IV describes the theories that support the use of these two technological resources. Finally in Chapter V highlights the Conclusions and Recommendations.